Changing Landscape of Philanthropy
Philanthropy is occurring at a greater scale, faster pace, and in more complex forms than ever before. The Center examines the motivations and strategies for philanthropic behavior; new forms of philanthropic activity and structures (e.g., donor advised funds, giving circles, social venture partners); and the impact of these trends on the capacity of philanthropy, nonprofits, and the community.

Philanthropic Strategies for
Public Problem Solving
Individual donors and philanthropic institutions are becoming more strategic in their efforts, working to leverage their assets – dollars, knowledge and networks – to achieve greater results. The Center studies the structures, networks and strategies that enable philanthropy to extend its impact and solve public problems.
Looking Ahead:
The Future of Place-Based Initiatives and the Implications for Funder Strategy and Practice
September 2015
James M. Ferris and Elwood M. Hopkins
Place-Based Initiatives in the Context of Public Policy and Markets: Moving to Higher Ground
March 2015
James M. Ferris and Elwood M. Hopkins

The Center examines issues of accountability and stewardship in the philanthropic sector, including governance issues for philanthropic organizations to honor donor intent and ensure greater accountability. We also study public policies that influence philanthropic behavior and decision-making, including tax, regulatory and public spending policies.

Research Projects
The Center undertakes commissioned research projects with support from the funding community to explore issues of mutual interest. These projects provide an opportunity for The Center and its scholars to examine and weigh in on specific issues and approaches with objective, field-based research and statistical analysis.
A Generation of Impact: The Evolution of Philanthropy over the Past 25 Years
Funded by the Weingart Foundation.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris, USC Price School of Public Policy; 2021
Foundations in Los Angeles: An Assessment of the Last 25 Years
Funded by the Weingart Foundation.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris, USC Price School of Public Policy; 2021
Bold Leadership and the Future of American Cities: Drawing on Detroit
Funded by The Kresge Foundation. Principal Investigators: Elwood M. Hopkins, Emerging Markets, Inc. and James M. Ferris, USC School of Public Policy; 2015-2016
A Scan of Foundation Grantmaking in Greater Los Angeles, 2014 (report)
Funded by the Weingart Foundation.
Principal Investigators: James M. Ferris and Nicholas P.O. Williams, USC Price School of Public Policy; 2013-14.
Foundations for Los Angeles, 2007 (report)
Funded by The Ahmanson Foundation, California Community Foundation, The California Endowment, The California Wellness Foundation and Weingart Foundation.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2009-10.
Foundations for Los Angeles, 2007 (highlight)
Funded by The Ahmanson Foundation, California Community Foundation, The California Endowment, The California Wellness Foundation and Weingart Foundation.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2009-10.
Foundations for Los Angeles 2009 Survey Brief (paper)
Funded by The Ahmanson Foundation, California Community Foundation, The California Endowment, The California Wellness Foundation and Weingart Foundation.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2009-10.
Foundations for Los Angeles 2010 Survey Brief (paper)
Funded by The Ahmanson Foundation, California Community Foundation, The California Endowment, The California Wellness Foundation and Weingart Foundation.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2009-10.
Foundation Support for Nonprofit Capital Needs in Southern California (report)
Funded by The Ahmanson Foundation and Weingart Foundation.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2007.
Health Philanthropy and Foundation Policy Efforts
2009 Foundation Practices for Policy Engagement Paper
Funded by The California Endowment.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2006-07.
Health Philanthropy and Foundation Policy Efforts
2009 Systems Change Paper
Funded by The California Endowment.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2006-07.
California Foundations: 2004 (report)
Funded by The California Endowment, the James Irvine Foundation, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
Principal Investigators: James M. Ferris and Elizabeth Graddy, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2005-06.
California Foundations: 2004 (highlights)
Funded by The California Endowment, the James Irvine Foundation, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
Principal Investigators: James M. Ferris and Elizabeth Graddy, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2005-06.
Philanthropic Activity in California’s Central Valley (report)
Funded by The James Irvine Foundation.
Principal Investigators: James M. Ferris and Elizabeth Graddy, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2002-04.
Foundations and the Public Policymaking Process (report)
Funded by The David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2001-03.
Foundations and the Public Policymaking Process (highlights)
Funded by The David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2001-03.
Philanthropy and Social Capital in Los Angeles (report)
Funded in part by the California Community Foundation (CCF), and The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation.
Principal Investigators: Eleanor Brown, Pomona College, and James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2001-02.
Philanthropy and Social Capital in Los Angeles (highlights)
Funded in part by the California Community Foundation (CCF), and The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation.
Principal Investigators: Eleanor Brown, Pomona College, and James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2001-02.
Social Capital in Los Angeles: Findings from the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey
Funded in part by the California Community Foundation (CCF), and The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation.
Principal Investigators: Eleanor Brown, Pomona College, and James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2001-02.
Intersectoral Strategies for Urban Problem Solving
Funded by the USC Urban Initiative.
Principal Investigators: James M. Ferris and Elizabeth Graddy, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; John Mutlow, USC School of Architecture; Rino Patti, USC School of Social Work; and Penny Wohlstetter, USC School of Education; 2000-02.
California Foundations: 2000-2001 Update
Funded by The James Irvine Foundation.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris; Principal Consultants: Marcia Sharp, Millennium Communications Group; Elizabeth Graddy, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2000-02.
An Atlas of Foundation Philanthropy in California, 1999
Funded by The James Irvine Foundation.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris; Principal Consultants: Marcia Sharp, Millennium Communications Group; Elizabeth Graddy, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2000-02.
California Foundations: Trends and Patterns
Funded by The James Irvine Foundation.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris; Principal Consultants: Marcia Sharp, Millennium Communications Group; Elizabeth Graddy, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2000-02.
California Foundations 1998: A Statistical Profile
Funded by The James Irvine Foundation.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris; Principal Consultants: Marcia Sharp, Millennium Communications Group; Elizabeth Graddy, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2000-02.
California Foundations: A Snapshot
Funded by The James Irvine Foundation.
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris; Principal Consultants: Marcia Sharp, Millennium Communications Group; Elizabeth Graddy, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2000-02.
Healthcare Philanthropy in California: Assessing the Landscape of Health Grantmaking (report)
Funded by The California Endowment.
Principal Investigators: James M. Ferris and Elizabeth Graddy, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; Principal Consultant, Lucy Bernholz, Blueprint Research & Design; 2000.
Healthcare Philanthropy in California: Assessing the Landscape of Health Grantmaking (highlights)
Funded by The California Endowment.
Principal Investigators: James M. Ferris and Elizabeth Graddy, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; Principal Consultant, Lucy Bernholz, Blueprint Research & Design; 2000.
The Shock of Evaluation: Examining the Impact of Efficiency Metrics on Nonprofit’s Reporting and Revenues.
Principal Investigator: Alexandra Graddy-Reed, USC Sol Price School of Public Policy; 2016-2017
Urban Geography of Giving
Principal Investigator: Nicolas Duquette, USC Sol Price School of Public Policy; 2015-2016
Out from the Underground? Foundation Support for Nonprofit Social Movement Activity
Principal Investigator: David F Suarez, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2009-10.
The Uses of Evaluation by Foundations (Paper)
Principal Investigator: Howard Greenwald, Ph.D., USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2008-09.
The Current State of Nonprofit Sector Research: An Analysis of the Leading Journals
Principal Investigators: James M. Ferris, Ph.D., Elizabeth Graddy, Ph.D., USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2008-09.
Becoming A Venture Philanthropist: A Study of the Socialization of Social Venture Partners
Principal Investigator: Michael Moody, Ph.D., USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2007-08.
Community Foundation Development and Social Capital (Paper)
Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Graddy, Ph.D., USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2006-07.
The Construction and Evolution of Venture Philanthropy: Evidence from Proponents and Practitioners (Paper)
Principal Investigator: Michael Moody, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2006-07.
Why Do Nonprofits Merge? (Paper)
Principal Investigators: James M. Ferris and Elizabeth Graddy, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2006-07.
Volunteer Behavior among Asian and Hispanic Groups in the US (Paper)
Principal Investigator: Richard Sundeen, Ph.D., USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2004-07.
Place-based, Collaborative Land Conservation in California: What Roles for Foundations?
Principal Investigator: Shui-Yan Tang, Ph.D., USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2003-07.
Foundations for Los Angeles? An Analysis of the Scale, Scope and Reach of Foundation Philanthropy in Los Angeles County (Report)
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2004-05.
Foundations for Los Angeles? An Analysis of the Scale, Scope and Reach of Foundation Philanthropy in Los Angeles County (Highlights)
Principal Investigator: James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2004-05.
Philanthropic Strategies for School Reform: An Analysis of Foundation Choice in Education Policy (Paper)
Principal Investigators: Guilbert C. Hentschke, USC Rossier School of Education, and James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2004-05.
Strategic Philanthropy, Land Conservation Governance, and the Packard Foundation’s Conserving California Landscape Initiative (Paper)
Principal Investigators: Shui-Yan Tang and F.G. Delfin, Jr., USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2003-04.
Community Foundations, Organizational Strategy, and Public Policy (Paper)
Principal Investigators: Elizabeth A. Graddy and Donald Morgan, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2003-04.
The Construction and Evolution of Venture Philanthropy: Evidence from Proponents and Practitioners (Paper)
Principal Investigator: Michael Moody, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2003-04.
Philanthropic Strategies for School Reform: An Analysis of Foundation Choice in Education Policy (Paper)
Principal Investigators: Guilbert C. Hentschke, USC Rossier School of Education, and James M. Ferris, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development; 2004-05.

All Research Reports and Papers
The Center’s most substantial research reports and papers – across all areas of research and study – are listed below in chronological order.
A Generation of Impact: The Evolution of Philanthropy over the Past 25 Years
March 2021
James M. Ferris
Foundations in Los Angeles: An Assessment of the Last 25 Years
March 2021
James M. Ferris
Place-Based Initiatives in the Context of Public Policy and Markets: Moving to Higher Ground
March 2015
James M. Ferris and Elwood M. Hopkins
Catalyzing Collaboration: The Developing Infrastructure for Federal Public-Private Partnerships
October 2014
James M. Ferris and Nicholas P.O. Williams
Philanthropy and Government Working Together: The Role of Offices of Strategic Partnerships in Public Problem Solving
December 2012
James M. Ferris and Nicholas P.O. Williams
California Foundations: 1999-2009
February 2012
James M. Ferris and Hilary Harmssen
Foundations for Los Angeles, 2007: An Analysis of the Scale, Scope and Reach of Foundation Philanthropy in Los Angeles County
May 2010
James M. Ferris, Jeff Glenn, and Lia Moore
Foundations for Los Angeles, 2007
Foundations for Los Angeles, 2007
(2009 Survey Brief)
Foundations for Los Angeles, 2007
(2010 Survey Brief)
Foundation Support for Nonprofit Capital Needs in Southern California
October 2007
James M. Ferris, Anne Ferree, and Minsun Park
Foundations for Los Angeles? An Analysis of the Scale, Scope and Reach of Foundation Philanthropy in Los Angeles County
December 2005
James M. Ferris, Rachel Potter, and Michael Tuerpe
Foundations for Los Angeles?
Philanthropic Activity in California’s Central Valley: 1996-2002
August 2004
James M. Ferris and Elizabeth Graddy
Foundations and Public Policymaking
August 2003
James M. Ferris
Foundations and Public Policymaking
Philanthropy and Social Capital in Los Angeles
March 2003
James M. Ferris and Eleanor Brown
Philanthropy and Social Capital in Los Angeles
California Foundations: Trends and Patterns
January 2002
James M. Ferris and Marcia Sharp
California Foundations: Trends and Patterns
Health Philanthropy: The Changing Landscape
September 2001
James M. Ferris and Elizabeth Graddy
Health Philanthropy: The Changing Landscape
California Foundations: A Snapshot
February 2001
James M. Ferris and Marcia Sharp
California Foundations: A Snapshot
Philanthropy & The City: What Does an Inclusive Recovery Look Like?
February 2022
Elwood M. Hopkins and James M. Ferris
Deep Associations and Shifting Relationships Between Universities and Museums in the United States
April 2015
Elizabeth Garrett
The Evolution of Research on Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies as an Intellectual Field: An Analysis of Leading Journals
RP-35, August 2011
Elizabeth A. Graddy and James M. Ferris
How Foundations Use Communications To Advance Their Public Policy Work
RP-34, May 2010
James M. Ferris, Marcia Sharp, and Hilary Harmssen
How Foundations Use Communications To Advance Their Public Policy Work
(Discussion Guide)
Foundation Practices For Public Policy Engagement
RP-33, December 2009
James M. Ferris and Hilary J. Harmssen
Increasing Evaluation Impact: A Survey of US Philanthropic Foundations
RP-32, July 2009
Howard P. Greenwald
Becoming A Venture Philanthropist: A Study of the Socialization of Social Venture Partners
RP-31, May 2009
Michael Moody
Foundation Strategy For Social Impact; A System Change Perspective
RP-30, May 2009
James M. Ferris and Nicholas Williams
Volunteer Behavior among Asian American Groups in the United States
RP-29, July 2007
Richard A. Sundeen, Cristina Garcia, and Lili Wang
Why Do Nonprofits Merge?
RP-28, May 2007
James M. Ferris and Elizabeth A. Graddy
Community Foundation Development and Social Capital
RP-27, February 2007
Elizabeth A. Graddy and Lili Wang
The Construction and Evolution of Venture Philanthropy: Evidence from Proponents and Practitioners
RP-26, July 2006
Michael Moody
Philanthropic Strategies for School Reform: An Analysis of Foundation Choices in Education Policy
RP-25, February 2006
James M. Ferris, Gilbert C. Hentschke, and Hilary A. Joy
Elitism, Pluralism, or Resource Dependency: Patterns of Environmental Philanthropy Among Private Foundations in California
RP-24, July 2005
Francisco Delfin, Jr. and Shui-Yan Tang
Community Foundations, Organizational Strategy, and Public Policy
RP-23, March 2005
Elizabeth A. Graddy and Donald Morgan
The Nonprofit Sector and the Press: Coverage of Philanthropy and Nonprofits in Nine Major Newspapers
RP-22, February 2005
Matthew Hale, Anthony Colgan, Michael Day and Alexander McDonald
Strategic Philanthropy, Land Conservation Governance, and the Packard Foundation’s Conserving California Landscape Initiative
RP-21, February 2005
Francisco Delfin, Jr. and Shui-Yan Tang
Social Capital and Philanthropy
RP-20, July 2004
Eleanor Brown and James M. Ferris
California Foundations: 2000-2001 Update
RP-19, December 2003
James M. Ferris
Foundation Engagement in Education Policymaking: Assessing Philanthropic Support of School Choice Initiatives (to access, purchase book)
RP-18, August 2003
Michael Mintrom and Sandra Vergari
This paper has been updated and is available as a chapter in Foundations and Public Policy: Leveraging Philanthropic Dollars, Knowledge, and Networks for Greater Impact, edited by James M. Ferris, director of The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy.
Foundations, Public Policy and Child Care (to access, purchase book)
RP-17, August 2003
Jack H. Knott and Diane McCarthy
This paper has been updated and is available as a chapter in Foundations and Public Policy: Leveraging Philanthropic Dollars, Knowledge, and Networks for Greater Impact, edited by James M. Ferris, director of The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy.
Looking for High Leverage: The Changing Context of Foundation Engagement in Wetlands and Habitat Protection (to access purchase book)
RP-16, August 2003
Walter A Rosenbaum
This paper has been updated and is available as a chapter in Foundations and Public Policy: Leveraging Philanthropic Dollars, Knowledge, and Networks for Greater Impact, edited by James M. Ferris, director of The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy.
The Role of Foundations in Shaping Health Policy: Lessons from Efforts to Expand and Preserve Health Insurance Coverage (to access, purchase book)
RP-15, August 2003
Thomas R. Oliver and Jason Gerson
This paper has been updated and is available as a chapter in Foundations and Public Policy: Leveraging Philanthropic Dollars, Knowledge, and Networks for Greater Impact, edited by James M. Ferris, director of The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy.
Foundation Collaborations: Incubators for Change?
RP-14, May 2002
Marcia Sharp
Critical Junctures: Philanthropic Associations as Policy Actors (to access, purchase book)
RP-13, May 2002
Lucy Bernholz
This paper has been updated and is available as a chapter in Foundations and Public Policy: Leveraging Philanthropic Dollars, Knowledge, and Networks for Greater Impact, edited by James M. Ferris, director of The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy.
Private Foundations and Policymaking: Latitude Under Federal Tax Law (to access, purchase book)
RP-12, May 2002
Thomas Troyer and Douglas Varley
This paper has been updated and is available as a chapter in Foundations and Public Policy: Leveraging Philanthropic Dollars, Knowledge, and Networks for Greater Impact, edited by James M. Ferris, director of The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy.
Foundations and Public Policymaking: A Historical Perspective (to access, purchase book)
RP-11, May 2002
James Allen Smith
This paper has been updated and is available as a chapter in Foundations and Public Policy: Leveraging Philanthropic Dollars, Knowledge, and Networks for Greater Impact, edited by James M. Ferris, director of The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy.
Foundations and Public Policymaking: A Conceptual Framework (to access, purchase book)
RP-10, May 2002
James M. Ferris and Michael Mintrom
This paper has been updated and is available as a chapter in Foundations and Public Policy: Leveraging Philanthropic Dollars, Knowledge, and Networks for Greater Impact, edited by James M. Ferris, director of The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy.
An Atlas of Foundation Philanthropy in California, 1999
RP-9, January 2002
James M. Ferris and Elizabeth Graddy
Social Capital in Los Angeles: Findings from the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey
RP-8, September 2001
Eleanor Brown and James M. Ferris
California Foundations 1998: A Statistical Profile
RP-7, February 2001
James M. Ferris and Marcia Sharp
The Transition of Communal Values and Behavior in Jewish Philanthropy
RP-6, January 2000
Gary A. Tobin
The Modern Medici: Patterns, Motivations, and Giving Strategies of the Wealthy
RP-5, January 2000
Paul G. Schervish
Building a Tradition of Latino Philanthropy: Hispanics as Donors, Grantees, Grantmakers, and Volunteers
RP-4, January 2000
Henry A. J. Ramos and Gabriel Kasper
Community Structures for Philanthropy in an Era of Economic and Demographic Change
RP-3, January 2000
Lon M. Burns
Wealth, Taxes, and the New Philanthropists
RP-2, January 2000
Eleanor Brown
Foundations for the Future: Emerging Trends in Foundation Philanthropy
RP-1, January 2000
Lucy Bernholz

Research Seminars
Individuals present their ongoing research at seminars held on a periodic basis. These seminars are targeted to the academic and research communities. This seminar series, in addition to being a vehicle to discuss research findings, is important to stimulate faculty research interest in philanthropy and the nonprofit sector at USC and other local research institutions.
From Iron Cage to Glass House: Rationalization, Receptivity, and Intercalation in the Nonprofit Sector, 2005-2015
Woody Powell
Professor of Sociology, Organizational Behavior, Management Science and Engineering, and Communication
Faculty Co-Director, Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society
Stanford University
April 23, 2018
When Theory Meets Practice: Can We Implement the Optimal Fiscal Federal Structure?
Therese J. McGuire
ConAgra Foods Research Professor
Senior Associate Dean for Curriculum and Teaching Strategy
Department Kellogg School of Management
Northwestern University
March 26, 2018
Speaking and Being Heard: How Nonprofit Advocacy Organizations Gain Attention on Social Media
Chao Guo
Associate Professor of Nonprofit Management
Editor-in-Chief, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
School of Social Policy and Practice
University of Pennsylvania
January 29, 2018
Through Thick and Thin: Private Foundation Payouts Across Time
Thad Calabrese
Associate Professor/Director of Finance Specialization
Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
New York University
December 4, 2017
Professionalism, Civic Activism, and Challenges Facing Nonprofit Organizations
Mirae Kim
Assistant Professor
Andrew Young School of Policy Studies
Georgia State University
November 6, 2017
Do Limits on Tax-Deductibility of Charitable Contributions Matter for Giving?
Nic Duquette
Assistant Professor
Sol Price School of Public Policy
University of Southern California
October 23, 2017
The Role of Actor’s Equity in the Los Angeles Theatrical Community
Emily Moneymaker
Undergraduate Student
Sol Price School of Public Policy
University of Southern California
April 10, 2017
The Price Elasticity of Charitable Giving: Toward a Reconciliation of Disparate Literatures
Daniel Hungerman
Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Economics
University of Notre Dame
March 6, 2017
Mission Shift Across Generations in Family Foundations
Renée Irvin
Associate Professor, Associate Department Head
Department of Planning, Public Policy & Management
University of Oregon
February 13, 2017
Prosociality Spillovers of Working in Groups
Benjamin Marx
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
January 30, 2017
Philanthropy, Inequality, and the Income Tax
Nicolas Duquette
Assistant Professor
Sol Price School of Public Policy
University of Southern California
December 5, 2016
How Effective are Charity Managers? Evidence from a Panel of Charities
Bradley Minaker
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Economics
McMaster University
October 11, 2016
What’s in a Name? Disambiguating Philanthropic Grantmakers and Their Strategies
Alexandra Graddy-Reed
Assistant Professor
Sol Price School of Public Policy
University of Southern California
September 12, 2016
The Urban Geography of Giving in Los Angeles
Nicolas Duquette
Assistant Professor
Sol Price School of Public Policy
University of Southern California
April 25, 2016
Finding Excuses to Decline the Ask
Christine L. Exley
Assistant Professor of Business Administration
Harvard School of Business
Harvard University
April 11, 2016
Giving in the Context of One’s Neighbors – The Role of Community Composition & Income Inequality
A. Abigail Payne
Professor, Department of Economics
Director, Public Economics Data Analysis Laboratory
Director, MacDATA Institute
McCaster University
March 28, 2016
Scaffolding: A Process of Transforming Patterns of Inequality in Rural Communities
Johanna Mair
Professor, Organization, Management, and Leadership
Hertie School of Governance
Visiting Scholar at the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society
Academic Editor, Stanford Social Innovation Review
January 26, 2016
Pay It Forward? Law and the Problem of Restricted-Spending Philanthropy
Brian Galle
Professor of Law
Georgetown University Law Center
Georgetown University
January 14, 2016
Nonprofits as Third-Party Business Lobbyists: How “Astroturf” Campaigns Affect Public Trust
Edward T. Walker
Associate Professor and Vice Chair
Department of Sociology
University of California, Los Angeles
April 13, 2015
The Blurring Hypothesis Reconsidered: How Sector Still Matters to Practitioners
Curtis Child
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Brigham Young University
March 23, 2015
Collective Action and the Sustainability of Co-production
Victor Pestoff
Institute for Civil Society Studies
Ersta Skondal University College; Stockholm, Sweden
February 9, 2015
Network Effect on Funding Behavior of Grant-making Foundations
Nicole Esparza
Assistant Professor
Sol Price School of Public Policy
University of Southern California
January 26, 2015
The Race for a Cure: Collaborators or Competitors? Modeling the Effects of Competition in Disease-Specific Charities
Alexandra Graddy-Reed
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Public Policy
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
December 9, 2014
Bridging and Bonding: How Social Diversity Influences Organizational Performance
Brad Fulton
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Sociology
Duke University
December 8, 2014
Collective Reputations Affect Donations to Nonprofits: Implications for Governance and Management
Matthew Potoski
Professor, Corporate Environmental Management
Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
University of California, Santa Barbara
November 25, 2014
Effects of Nonprofit Competition on Charitable Donations
Bijetri Bose
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Economics
University of Washington
November 12, 2014
Civil Society and Philanthropy in Mexico: Understanding the Enabling Environment and its Constraints
Michael Layton
Director, Proyecto sobre Filantropía y Sociedad Civil
Departamento de Estudios Internacionales
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM)
September 29, 2014
Bridging and Bonding: Mechanisms Influencing Organizational Effectiveness
Brad Fulton
Ph.D. Candidate
Sociology Department
Duke University
March 3, 2014
Solution Diversity and Social Entrepreneurship
Sunasir Dutta
Ph.D. Candidate
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
December 2, 2013
Do Tax Incentives Affect Charitable Contributions? Evidence from Public Charities’ Reported Revenues
Nicolas Duquette
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Economics, University of Michigan
November 5, 2013
Doing Good When Times Are Bad: Volunteering Behavior In Economic Hard Times
Chaeyoon Lim
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
October 28, 2013
New American Relief and Development Organizations: Voluntarizing Global Aid
Allison Schnable
Ph.D. Candidate
Sociology Department, Princeton University
October 2, 2013
Winning the Sprint, Losing the Marathon: Philanthropy’s Race for Education Reform
Sarah Reckhow
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
Michigan State University
September 16, 2013
The Diversity and Stability of Social Enterprise Forms
Dennis Young
Department of Public Management and Policy
Georgia State University
March 25, 2013
Wallflowers Doing Good: Field and Lab Evidence of Heterogeneity in Reputation Concerns
Sera Linardi
Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
University of Pittsburgh
February 11, 2013
Measuring Performance in the Social Sector: Essential or Impossible?
Alnoor Ebrahim
Associate Professor of Business Administration
Harvard Business School
February 4, 2013
The Bigger, The Better? Niche Width, Audience Type, and Resource Acquisition in the Nonprofit Sector
Emily Barman
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
Boston University
December 10, 2012
The Role of Organizational Resources in Explaining Urban Inequality
Joe Galaskiewicz
Professor of Sociology
The University of Arizona
November 5, 2012
Nonprofits and Voter Mobilization in the U.S.
Kelly Leroux
Assistant Professor
Department of Public Administration
University of Illinois at Chicago
October 8, 2012
Strategic Capacity Building: Theory, Method, and the Case of Faith-Based Initiatives
Dyana P. Mason
Ph.D. Student
USC Sol Price School of Public Policy
September 10, 2012
Putting Giving into Context: Examining the Effects of Religiosity, Trust, and World Society on Charitable Activity in 35 Countries
Wes Longhofer
Assistant Professor of Organization and Management
Goizueta Business School
Emory University
April 23, 2012
Contracting Out Social Provision: Nonprofit Organizations, Neighborhoods, and the Competition for Public Resources
Nicole Marwell
Associate Professor of Public Affairs and Sociology
Baruch College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York
March 26, 2012
Creating Catalysts: A Report on Black Philanthropy for Social Change
Ange-Marie Hancock
Associate Professor of Political Science and Gender Studies
Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
University of Southern California
February 27, 2012
The Impact of Community Input on Grantee Selection: An Analysis of Participatory Philanthropy
Jasmine McGinness
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Public Management and Policy
Andrew Young School of Policy Studies
Georgia State University
January 23, 2012