Barbara Bush Discusses Global Health and Philanthropy
September 2014
On September 5, 2014, The Center hosted Barbara Bush, CEO and co-founder of Global Health Corps, for a conversation on global health and philanthropy. Global Health Corps is an organization that mobilizes a global community of young leaders to build the movement for health equity by placing hundreds of young leaders from sixteen countries to work with non-profit and government health organizations like Partners In Health and the Clinton Health Access Initiative in Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia, and the United States.
Cara Esposito, Executive Director of the Leonetti/O’Connell Family Foundation, engaged Barbara in a conversation about the unique partnership model of Global Health Corps as well as the challenges posed by international health work. They also discussed how the organization is contributing to the development of what Bush refers to as “a global community of young leaders” by investing in the fellows throughout their fellowship year and beyond.
Over 80 attendees, representing a range of philanthropic leaders and philanthropists, attended the luncheon at the Annenberg Skylight Studios that was made possible by the generous sponsorship of the Starkey Hearing Foundation. The Conversation closed with Bush sharing some of the successes the organization has had in tackling health equity and how philanthropy can be leveraged to create meaningful impact around the globe.
The Conversations in Philanthropy Series is a means to bring decision-makers from across philanthropy together – foundation leaders, individual donors, and family foundation trustees – with experts in a field to discuss a specific area of interest, bridging fragmentation within the sector while leveraging the power of the sector’s pluralism.